National Marine Week 2022

Author: Anonymous

This weekend marks the start of National Marine Week in the UK with Wildlife Trusts.

Despite its name, this celebration of wildlife and all things marine runs for 15 days to allow for the nationwide variation in tide times.

National Marine Week takes place across the world and is intended to educate people on the rich diversity of marine life in their local area, helping to motivate them to better understand and care for the ocean. The world’s oceans contain over 90% of the planet’s water and make up 80% of its biodiversity. This makes our oceans the largest ecosystem on the planet.

In an age where the effects of global warming are increasingly felt, it’s never been more important to celebrate and protect our oceans and marine life.

Climate change impacts can be reduced when our oceans are healthy. Temperature and weather patterns are controlled by ocean currents, which transport heat around the world. They also absorb more than 90% of the heat and 30% of the CO2 emissions that are released into the atmosphere by human activity. Plastic pollution is particularly detrimental to marine life, and Plastic Free July has helped to highlight small things we can do to make a big difference to the health of the planet.

Find out more about National Marine Week and events local to you at Wildlife Trusts.

VONNE is a prominent supporter of local climate action, and proud to be the founding member and host of the North East England Climate Coalition (NEECCo). We have also launched our Going Green Together project to support the local VCSE to take meaningful action on climate change.

To learn more about our net zero mission and the region’s climate action, visit NEECCo

Visit Going Green Together to find out more about the project and join the VONNE Climate Action Alliance.

By taking responsibility now we can preserve our oceans to benefit all generations, both present and future.