Funding is crucial to the wellbeing and resilience of the VCSE sector. Through our information and intelligence sharing we provide support to both organisations and funders.
Through networking and collaboration we work to listen to the needs of organisations in our region and ensure that funders can respond to these needs through funding opportunities.
Funding Information North East (FINE) Online
Funding Information North East (FINE) pulls together current funding opportunities from dozens of sources into one easy to digest update sent directly to your inbox every fortnight.
It’s easy to sign up, just become a membership+ member of VONNE and register to receive the FINE Online eBulletin.
Online Funding Directory
Our online Funding Directory contains the details of more than 130 charitable trusts and foundations actively funding charities and community groups in the North East.
Regularly reviewed and updated, you can search the Directory for areas of work, geography, type of funding and grant amount.
The funding directory is an exclusive service for Silver and Gold Membership+. To find funding for your organisation, upgrade your membership today and remember to log in to our website to view the Directory.
FINE Funders
We are grateful for the support of the trusts and foundations who support the work of FINE: Barbour Foundation; Hadrian Trust; RW Mann Trust; Rothley Trust.
North East and Cumbria Funders Network
Through the North East & Cumbria Funders Network VONNE enables funders to be better networked and informed and work together more effectively to improve and maximise their support to North East communities.
The Network meets three times a year and holds collaboration meetings to explore areas of interest or concern. To discuss joining please contact
European Funding and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund
VONNE advocates on behalf of charities and voluntary organisations to ensure the replacement for European Funding, the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, is fit for purpose and addresses the need for inclusive growth.
Developing a Social Investment Strategy
Thanks to funding from The Connect Fund we are engaging VCSEs and stakeholders in the North East to develop a strategy for social investment.
The project will trial new approaches to engagement and support the sector to adopt more enterprising models of operation.
Read about our journey to supporting social investment.
As part of our aim to provide funding support to voluntary organisations, CICs, social enterprises and groups in our area, VONNE is now working with fundraising website easyfundraising to help organisations generate additional income.
Sign up to the free easyfundraising platform to benefit from donations when your supporters shop with leading online retailers. This is a simple way of raising funds in the background while your organisation concentrates on its day-to-day tasks.
Find out more about how your organisation could benefit on the easyfundraising website.