Become a Member

Become a member

VONNE’s community of over 1,400 members gives us a collective voice and enables us to represent our membership regionally and nationally. Our Membership+ packages offer organisations a range of enhanced benefits to support their work.

Memberships for North East VCSE organisations

Core membership is free for North East voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations. By signing up you become part of our extensive networks and get voting rights at our AGM, helping make our work accountable and representative.

Once you've signed up to Core membership, you can access our Membership+ packages which offer a great range of enhanced benefits. 

Membership+ fees are based on your income. To keep things accessible for the smallest charities, Bronze Membership+ is free for organisations with an income under £50K.

Supporting VONNE’s work through Associate Membership+

If you’re not a North East VCSE organisation, but want to support our work, or access Membership+ benefits, you can join Associate Membership+. 

These packages help private and public sector organisations strengthen their relationship with the North East VCSE sector and stay up to date with sector developments and opportunities.

Associate members include funders looking to extend their reach, consultants looking for resources to support clients, Local Authorities wanting to strengthen ties to the North East VCSE sector and private companies who want to expand their networks.

What our members say

“We're delighted to be a new member. Thanks for having us!”

“Thanks for being there! Really appreciate the work that you do”

“As a CEO, I have found VONNE a fantastic support and have used you as an example of best practice to others for a membership organisation”

How to become a member

Ready to sign up? Just choose your income band and the benefits that best meet your needs from the comparison table below, then click 'Become a Member'. 

Have questions? Our Membership FAQs can help. Otherwise, email us and a member of the team will be able to help.

Compare memberships

Core Membership

Forever, upgrade any time
Become a member

Invitation to VONNE AGM with voting rights

Add your own events to the VONNE website

Member bulletin with member focussed content and opportunities

VONNE ebulletins (excludes funding ebulletin)

Core membership is only available for charitable organisations

By purchasing Associate Membership+ you help keep core membership free forever

Bronze Membership+

Great for keeping up to date and advertising jobs

For organisations with income under £50K per year
Become a member


Funding ebulletin sent to multiple people in your organisation

Discount on Job Finder adverts

Annual Salary Benchmarking report

Discounted tickets to VONNE Annual Conference

Discount on our Enhanced Recruitment services

Discount on Workspace Finder advertising

Use of VONNE Membership+ logo


FINE ebulletin sent to multiple people in your organisation

Discount on Job Finder adverts

Annual Salary Benchmarking report

Discounted tickets to VONNE Annual Conference

Discount on our Enhanced Recruitment services

Discount on Workspace Finder advertising

Use of VONNE Membership+ logo

Most popular

Silver Membership+

Great for networking and funding opportunities

Per year
Become a member


One free Job Finder advert  

Access to our searchable, regularly updated and regionally relevant online funding directory  

Invitations to CEO networking events  

Opportunity to write a guest post for the VONNE blog    

One free ticket to VONNE Annual Conference


One free Job Finder advert  

Access to our searchable, regularly updated and regionally relevant online funding directory  

Invitations to CEO networking events  

Opportunity to write a guest post for the VONNE blog  

One free ticket to VONNE Annual Conference  

Gold Membership+

Great for expanding your influence

Per year
Become a member


One additional free Job Finder advert

Featured Gold Member Spotlight on VONNE website and ebulletin

Invitation to the North East Charity Awards at the VONNE table

Two free tickets to VONNE Annual Conference


One additional free Job Finder advert

Featured Gold Member Spotlight on VONNE website and ebulletin

Invitation to the North East Charity Awards at the VONNE table

Two free tickets to VONNE Annual Conference