VONNE coordinates a number of health and wellbeing focussed programmes and projects, supporting and representing the VCSE sector across the North East and North Cumbria.
Through these programmes we’re working to create greater connections, championing involvement and collaboration between people working within VCSE organisations and health and care systems across our region to promote VCSE integration at all levels, from delivery to strategic, and address the issues and inequalities experienced by our communities.
The North East and North Cumbria VCSE Partnership Programme
We host the regional VCSE Partnership Programme, one of 42 alliances across England created to ensure that the VCSE sector is embedded at all levels of the NHS Integrated Care Systems (ICS). Working in partnership with Cumbria CVS, VONNE leads and delivers the integration and enables the VCSE sector to shape and inform the ICS into a system which works for everyone.
The Integrated Care System Explained
Here we explain what is happening in health and care and how it is changing in the North East and North Cumbria. Learn more about the Integrated Care System (ICS) in our region, its aims and priorities, regional structures and voluntary and community sector representation.
Healthy Communities and Social Prescribing
We’re the lead body for the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) Healthy Communities and Social Prescribing Workstream, managing the delivery plan for this funding. Our Infrastructure Investment Programme is supporting place-based investment in VCSE infrastructure to facilitate better connections, collaboration and delivery in terms of social prescribing.
Health Champions
Our Health Champions project is linking the NHS with grassroots voluntary sector organisations and communities, listening and investing in their expertise to help shape health services and messaging ensuring the most marginalised communities are reached, having a direct effect on tackling healthcare inequalities in our region.
VCSE Research Partnerships Support
Research plays a key role in developing better care and treatments to address our health and wellbeing needs. Community involvement in research can help identify the most important topics for research and the best ways of researching them. This support, hosted by VONNE, is bringing together the skills and expertise of VCSE and research partners to ensure greater diversity of communities involved in research through long-lasting, reciprocal partnerships and a growing number of projects driven by community views.
Glossary of terms
For cross-sector collaboration across our Integrated Care System (ICS) to be successful, it’s important that all system partners involved have a good baseline understanding of each other. There's a lot of different terminology to contend with when working together. So we've compiled a glossary of some key terms that you may come across when working with and across health and care systems and the VCSE sector. Please do share this glossary with colleagues who you think may find it useful.
Join our Health and Wellbeing networks
Keep up-to-date with our Health and Wellbeing programme developments through our network mailings and bulletins. Sign-up to receive news about our projects, national and regional social prescribing and health and care system developments. Get involved in health research, hear about funding, training, resources and events for the VCSE sector.
It's free to join our networks for anyone in the region working in VCSE organisations or the wider public sector who's interested or involved in health and care services.

Explore the Health and Wellbeing Hub
The Integrated Care System (ICS) explained
VCSE Partnership Programme
VCSE Research Partnerships
Social Prescribing
Healthy Communities and Social Prescribing
- About the North East and North Cumbria Healthy Communities and Social Prescribing programme.
- Our Health Champions project.
- Creative health resources
Reading for Wellbeing