North East Combined Authority
VONNE represents the VCSE sector as a cabinet member. This positions enable us to directly influence the policy, practice and programmes of the Combined Authority alongside other regional partners.
Across the NECA area, VONNE facilitates the VCSE Employment, Inclusion and Skills Network to report back and feed into various strategic boards.
Tees Valley Combined Authority
We facilitate the Tees Valley Infrastructure Partnership with colleagues in local infrastructure organisations, providing a space and framework for engagement with stakeholders including the Tees Valley Combined Authority.
Health and Wellbeing
We represent the VCSE sector as a strategic partner in health and care system-wide workstreams that form part of the North East and North Cumbria (NENC) Integrated Care System (ICS), the country's largest ICS which serves more than three million people.
ICS’s have evolved from sustainability and transformation partnerships and bring together NHS providers, commissioners and local authorities to work in partnership with the VCSE sector in planning and commissioning health and care services at a strategic level. VONNE leads on VCSE sector representation within the North East and North Cumbria (NENC) ICS, working with Cumbria CVS.
We also represent the VCSE sector on the Applied Research Collaboration for the North East & North Cumbria Stakeholder Board.

Northern Powergrid
VONNE represents the VCSE sector on Northern Powergrid’s Stakeholder Panel and Social Issues Expert Group, specifically feeding into Northern Powergrid’s work to support vulnerable customers, community engagement and community partnership programmes.

Net Zero North East England Leadership Board
Established in 2022, Net Zero North East England is a cross-sector partnership led by the local Authorities across the north-eastern part of the region (Durham, South Tyneside, Sunderland, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland) and VONNE represents the VCSE sector within this partnership.

NE Child Poverty Commission
The North East Child Poverty Commission (NECPC) is a regional cross-sector stakeholder network which believes child poverty in the North East is not inevitable and ending it is worth working for, together. The VONNE Chair Alison Dunn sits on the advisory board alongside an number of other VCSE organisations.

European Structural & Investment Funds 2014-2020 Growth Programme Board
VONNE is one of two local VCSE representatives on the England Growth Programme Board and National Performance Sub-Committe via the Civil Society Involvement initiative. This role enables us to receive information and provide feedback on the performance of European Structural Investment Fund and influence the approaches of the Managing Authority as well as encouraging learning from evaluation activities into future programmes such as UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

National VCSE Infrastructure and campaigns
VONNE are members of and regularly communicate with national VCSE Infrastructure Organisations including NCVO, ACEVO, NAVCA and Charity Finance Group to feed into their national policy and influencing work, including responding to Government or Charity Commission consultations or more specific influencing initiatives such as the Community Wealth Fund.