Board of Trustees

VONNE is managed by a board of trustees drawn from voluntary and community sector organisations throughout the region, as well as our president, Sir Paul Ennals CBE, who served as our chair for six years until 2021. Board members are elected from the entire membership.

Current board members, their constituency and their respective organisations:


Alison Dunn

Entire Membership

Gateshead Citizens Advice

Craig Henderson


Haines Watts

Entire Membership

Angela Brudenell

Pride Action North

Michael Fawole

North East Law Centre

Cheryl Gavin

Helix Arts

Emma Howitt

Teesside Mind

Lawrence McAnelly

Hospital of God at Greatham

Peter Neal


Shaun Newton


Kumareswaradas Ramanathas (Ram)

Young Asian Voices

Co-opted Board Members

Carol Gaskarth

Pioneering Care Partnership (PCP)

Colin Hewitt

Ward Hadaway

Adam Hill

Sunderland Software City

Catherine Parker

Public Health Consultant