Our involvement in regional and national networks enables us to influence policy making and to lobby for direct financial and practical support. Our partnerships and relationships with key stakeholders enable us to support and develop programmes and projects that strengthen the sector.
Established in 2000, we have developed and continue to maintain a strong understanding of the needs of the sector and how we can best support organisations through ongoing research and conversations. Our unique regional position gives us the ability to pilot new projects and approaches to benefit the North East area, often working across sectors with a wide variety of partners. We apply professionalism and knowledge to all the work that we do, and we strive to be a role model for the sector and the region by championing excellence, collaboration and social justice.

We share knowledge
We share insight, knowledge and intelligence through our external communications, events and ebulletins, both from our own networks and from the regional and national support bodies we work closely with. Through knowledge sharing, we support charities, voluntary and community groups, and social enterprises to be well informed on the policy, practice and strategy developments which affect them. We work strategically to ensure voices are heard across a range of forums including Combined Authorities, the Integrated Care System, Universities and Local Enterprise Partnerships.
Find out more about Representation and Influence with VONNE
We build partnerships and collaboration
Our experienced staff team understands the sector and listen to the needs of our members to build strong, thematic projects and partnerships that inspire, educate and engage. We facilitate partnerships and build opportunities for collaboration between the sector and external stakeholders. These partnerships enable us to build connections with organisations in meaningful ways, ensuring the sector is stronger and better placed to work together collaboratively. We give opportunities for insight, connections and networking through our events programme, forums and annual conference.
Learn more about VONNE’s Projects and Partnerships
We strengthen the sector
We facilitate and deliver programmes to build skills and capacity and develop leadership, governance, and innovation in the sector. We also provide funding information and events to broker links with funders to help charities, community and voluntary groups, and social enterprises.
“VONNE encourages ambition and thinking out of the box, not afraid to lead from the front if that’s what’s required to get something started.”
We give our members a collaborative voice
VONNE depends on the support of our members to inform and underpin our work strengthening the North East voluntary, community and social enterprise sector and supporting the people and communities of the North East.
“VONNE takes the sectors voice into rooms and networks where it had previously not been heard – well done – that isn’t easy to achieve – keep up the good work.”
Together our community of over 1,400 members enable us to create a collective voice that we use to represent the sector regionally and nationally. Members come from every part of the North East, representing organisations of all sizes and causes, from large, registered charities to micro not-for-profits.