Board Director for International Newcastle

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Role Type: Trustee

Application deadline:

Salary: £

Role description: Board Member

International Newcastle CIC is looking for up to 5 people to join our current Board of Directors, with individual or combined skills and experience in the following areas:

• diverse language and cultural communities in Newcastle
• young people’s perspectives (over 18)
• business development
• finance and fundraising
• sports

We are a not for profit Community Interest Company, helping drive and co-ordinate an international relations approach, which builds on everyone’s resources, experience, skills and links to bring social, economic and cultural benefits to the city. We have had a significant impact over the last five years and are looking to expand our Board of Directors to help us deliver more opportunities for children and young people in Newcastle. 

You can read more about our work and impact across our three strands of international connections, languages and internationalism in the city in our brochure: Empowering Newcastle’s Young People for a Global Future (Oct 2023).

Find out more about International Newcastle and the role of a Director here and download the recruitment pack here, which has more details, a person specification and links to further information.

Expressions of interest in the position of Director should be submitted by noon on 4th October. In no more than 2 A4 pages, please tell us why you are interested in the position, how your experience relates to the areas outlined and what qualities you would bring.

Applicants are welcome to contact our Chief Executive Officer, Declan Baharini, to discuss the position before submitting an expression of interest.

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